CENTRAL AUSTRALIA – written by Sarah
One of the year 10 students who attend the Central Australia camp!
Leaving at 5:30 am on the last Friday of the freezing Winter school holidays, is not something I’m planning on doing often. But on the 8th of July, it was worth it. The Central Australia 2022 camp was unreal, like a dream you could never forget. One of the most phenomenal experiences I have ever had. Why? Because at the camp the teachers weren’t our teachers, they were our friends, our bus driver, John was too. He always beamed his bright white teeth and bright blue eyes when he offered us orange slices at every stop! (I mean every). We had so much fun and brought back so many memories with us. Passing the time on long bus rides by belting out songs, playing werewolf around the fire, and exploring all the great wonders.
The last night, when I saw a shooting star fly over Uluru, I thought to myself how lucky I was that I got to attend the camp. Because we had been on the bus for days and days, it was like our second home, therefore the 36-hour bus ride home didn’t seem that long. As there are so many wonderful memories to share with you from those 10 days, there is still so much more to tell you. Just know, that they will never be forgotten by any of us.