Woori Yallock Farm School

We celebrated the students’ final day of the program by heading to Marysville for a hike, beginning at Keppel Lookout. From here, we admired the views over the town and out across to the Cathedral Ranges.

Next, we hiked approximately 5kms to Stevensons Falls. As we walked, we discussed the impact of the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires on the area, and identified the factors that influenced the fire’s behaviour.

At the end of the hike, we were treated to more stunning views from the top of the falls.

Before continuing to Marysville for a late lunch break, we stopped at a working water turbine. We discussed the science of hydro power generation and identified the ways the power is utilised locally.
Today we say farewell to our Certificate 1 students. On behalf of all the staff at the Farm School, a big thank you to the students for their enthusiasm and commitment to completing their certificates.