Where myth meets reality! Year 7 students used watercolour to bring mythical creatures to life, while Year 8 explored the surreal world of spliced animals. Incredible talent on display!
College News
Year 11 CPR Course
Our Year 11 VCE VM students participated in first aid training yesterday. Students learnt how to make sure that they can keep anyone stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.
Woori Yallock Farm School
We went on an adventure to Marysville, where we hiked from Keppel Lookout to Stevenson Falls. During our visit we discussed the impact of the Black Saturday bushfires and the factors influencing the fire’s behaviour. The students also reflected on the lessons learned. As the day warmed up, we cooled … Read More
Year 7 Boys Volleyball Team
Congratulations to our Year 7 Boys Volleyball team, finishing runners up in the state finals. They played well, losing a hard fought match to Eltham. Great work team!