Humanities involves the study of human societies and environments, peoples and their customs, past and present. Humanities courses are based on the study of History, Geography, Economics and Civics and incorporate knowledge, concepts and skills from each discipline.
History courses provide linked study across the year levels 7 – 10 and provide a solid foundation for further studies at senior level.
Year 7 studies include an investigation into the ancient world and the development of civilization. Students investigate archaeology and the methods used by historians to discover the past. The study of Ancient Rome is further supported by language studies in Italian.
The collapse of the Roman Empire leads to the next significant faze of history studied at year 8. Students study Medieval Societies in Europe and Japan and conclude with an investigation into The Spanish Conquistadors.
The development of industry and machines meant great change for society and the environment. Year 9 historical studies focus on The Industrial Revolution, The Making of Our Nation and conclude with a depth study on The Great War.
Following on from 1918 and the end of the First World War, year 10 students study World War 2 with a particular focus on Australia’s involvement and the war in the Pacific. From this students move on to an investigation into Rights and Freedoms and The Environmental Movement.
Geography courses promote the development of skills across the year levels 7 – 10 and provide a solid foundation for further studies in area such as: Water and the world, Landforms And Landscapes, Biomes and Food Security and Environmental Change and Management.
Subjects and extension electives undertaken in the middle school years build on topics and skills involved, and provide an excellent basis for studies in consecutive V.C.E Units.