Student Wellbeing

Student wellbeing is essential for learning. The Yarra Hills Secondary College Wellbeing Team work to support the emotional, social and material wellbeing of our students so that they can achieve their best academically.

The team offer a range of services that aim to support our students and their families. These include: 

  • Counselling students 
  • Sourcing external programs to assist students 
  • Sourcing and working with external allied health professionals 
  • Liaising with our SSSOs (Psychologist, Social worker and Speech Pathologist), Secondary School Nurse, School Chaplain, Migrant Information Centre social worker, School Doctor and Nurse, Social worker from Foundation house and Healing Minds Psychologist  
  • Liaising with Coordinators and teachers to work out best ways to assist students 
  • Providing uniform via State Schools Relief or second-hand supplies. Administering the CSEF program 
  • Providing food for students who have financial issues 
  • Running whole school breakfast clubs at each campus 
  • Supporting integration students 
  • Applying for PSD funding 
  • Offering support to families who are experiencing hardship 
  • Working with Out of Home Care students 
  • Supporting Koori students and their families 

The Wellbeing Team can help students with issues such as friendships, mental health, bullying, drug and alcohol use, social issues, abuse, self-esteem and resilience.  We also work with families to address family relationships and assist with referrals to external agencies. 

The Student Wellbeing Team is available to all students within our dedicated wellbeing portable, by either self-referral, or by referral from teachers or parents. 

Heads of School and Year Level Coordinators also play an active role in supporting students and families and making referrals to the Wellbeing Team. Our teachers work within a Restorative Practice model to resolve classroom issues and support students’ emotional wellbeing in the classroom. 

Where to get help

  • Lifeline: 13 11 14 (cost of a local call, 24 hours)
  • Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800 (free call from a land line, 24 hours)
  • Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 (free call support service for people at risk of suicide, their carers and those bereaved by suicide)
  • Headspace: 1800 367 968
  • Salvo Care Line (Salvation Army): 1300 36 36 22
  • SANE Helpline: 1800 18 SANE (7263)
  • Parent Line: 13 22 89
  • Suicide Prevention Foundation (24/7): 1800 HOLDON (1800 465 366)


Useful Websites